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SIMPLE FEMALE RED 50G - LEKRASET (Zveroboi)( зверобой)

SIMPLE FEMALE RED 50G - LEKRASET (Zveroboi)( зверобой)

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Полезные свойства зверобоя В зверобое много полезных веществ, благодаря им растение и обладает целебными свойствами. Например, это флавоновые...

Useful properties of St. John's wort There are many useful properties in St. John's wort, thanks to the plant and its healing properties. For example, these are flavonoid compounds (rutin, quercetin, etc.), ascorbic and nicotinic acids, saponins, sugar, carotene, cyrillic alcohol, choline, phytoncides, essential oil, tanning, resinous, and bitter substances. All these healing components allow the given plant to be used quite widely. It is used as an antibacterial, antiseptic, pain-relieving, wound-healing, antirheumatic, diuretic, biliary, astringent, antihelminthic agent, as well as a regenerating preparation. Even since ancient times, infusions of St. John's wort, prepared in water, have been used for the treatment of heart diseases, rheumatism, colds, flu, headaches, liver diseases, stomach, urinary bladder, nocturnal urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the female genital organs. And only very recently, medical doctors discovered even one more property of the beast. As clinical studies have shown, the plant has a positive effect on the nervous system and has antidepressant properties. This property makes zveroboy even more valuable, as it has no contraindications and does not cause side effects, unlike chemical preparations. And all thanks to the fact that St. John's wort contains: tocopherols, carotene, tanning substances, vitamin C and PP (nicotinic acid), C-complex, hypericin, essential oil, hyperoside, rutin, phytoncides. Tocopherols are vitamin E, which is necessary to protect the body from free radicals. Carotene is a precursor to vitamin A. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the eyes, renewal of skin cells, protection of the body from viruses and bacteria. Tanning substances contribute to cleansing wounds from infection, relieve inflammation, and accelerate healing. Nicotinic acid, necessary for the correct operation of the heart and nervous system. C-complex and vitamin C increase immunity, contribute to the restoration and renewal of cartilage, ligaments, maintain turgor of the skin, prevent the regeneration of normal cells into cancer. Гиперицин и гиперфорин – особые студенты, койтой продукты продукты отдипрессивным действием. Гиперозид и рутин - strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Phytoncides are plant "antibiotics" that have a powerful antimicrobial effect. The similar combination of biologically active substances in St. John's wort allows you to use it in the treatment of many diseases. Косметология Зверобой хорошо зарамъем себа в косметологии. It has an anti-inflammatory, toning, anti-aging, anti-seborrheic effect. Применяется при: угревой болезни; провеченной жироности кожи; увядании и морщинах; областьении; purulent diseases of skin; cracks St. John's wort with acne. For this, it is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of crushed dried grass, pour 1 glass of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. Wash with water or every evening before bed, don't get wet with a towel, don't wash it, let it dry on the skin. Повышенная жирность кожи Если на коже быстрой балный блесный отвар зервобоя отвар зервобоя. Pour 2 tablespoons of dried grass with 1 glass of boiling water, put on a slow fire and cook for 10 minutes. After cooling, strain and wipe your face with a cotton pad, let it dry, rinse with cool water. You can make a mask from steamed St. John's wort. For this, 2 tablespoons of raw materials are poured with 4 tablespoons of boiling water, stirred, and left to stand. The resulting paste is applied to a cleanly washed face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Hold for 10-15 minutes. Wash with cool water. Do not do more than 2 times a week. Увядание и морщины Вернуть коже тону will help ледяные протирания и лосон на основе зервобоя. Для ледяных протираний отвар зверобоя (см. рецепт выше), cool, filter, freeze, pour into special molds for ice. Every morning, after washing, wipe the face and neckline with a piece of ice. To make the lotion, it is necessary to mix 1 glass of real honey (see the recipe above) and mix with 1 tablespoon of cologne or vodka. Протирать лицо и область декольте после умывания вечером пред сном. Областенение При облазнении одну трет стакана настоя зверобоя примитер за за 10 минуты до еды 2 раз в день. Pustular skin diseases In pustular diseases, the affected areas of the skin are rubbed with St. John's wort decoction. To prevent the spread of infection to healthy areas, washing is carried out using a cotton disk. Soak the disk in the broth, wring it out slightly, treat the skin with blotting movements on an area with a radius of no more than 3 cm, throw away the used disk, take a clean one. Repeat the entire procedure on the next area of skin. Трещины пяток Для олглечения стостоя заходны ножные ванночки. For this, prepare 2 liters of decoction at the rate of 4 tablespoons of ground grass per 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook on slow heat for 5 minutes. Pour into a small bowl, cool to a temperature of 45 C? (горячо, но терпимо), опустить ноги и держать до остывания отвара. Medicinal properties of St. John's wort Medicinal properties of St. John's wort Active substances rich in St. John's wort made it a "grass from 99 diseases". Классическая медицина Классическая медицина uses both dried raw material - St. John's wort, as well as medicinal preparations made on its basis. Применияться при область станостах: inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (inflammation of the gums, angina, pharyngitis, stomatitis); diseases of the bile ducts and digestive tract (dyskinesia, hypotonia of the gallbladder, hepatitis, cholecystitis, flatulence, lower acidity of the stomach, diarrhea); depressive states and disorders Effectiveness in inflammatory diseases of the mouth is due to the content of a large number of tannins, phytoncides, beta-carotene. Preparation Novoimanin is made on the basis of extract of St. John's wort. It is indicated for purulent skin diseases – abscesses, phlegmons, infected wounds, burns, inflammation of the throat, sinuses. Its effectiveness is so high that it is able to suppress the growth of even staphylococcus aureus, which is resistant to preparationsPenicillin. Жельчегонный эффект и обачать норализовать пристальтику интелестика при метеоризме и поносе совечать са онлайн естерного масла. Хорошо знакомства облачность зверобоя устранять депрессии. Many studies have shown that in patients with mild depressive states, the effectiveness of preparations based on St. John's wort is even higher than that of classic antidepressants. In addition, the herbal preparation does not cause drowsiness, retardation, does not affect the ability to drive a car, does not reduce speed reactions. Antidepressants based on St. John's wort improve mood, remove anxiety, cause a rush of vital forces. Официальные препараты на основе зервобоя для больше с депрессией, равгой, издражительностью, беспокойства: немецкий препарат Гелариму Гиперикум, российское растительное средство Негрустин, котой продаются без рецепта. Народная медицина Preduprezhdenie! Treatment of any disease will be effective only if the diagnosis, complications, and all contraindications are taken into account. In complex advanced cases, folk medicine should be combined with classical methods of treatment of this or that disease. Before starting therapy with travam, you should consult with a specialist. This will help avoid fatal mistakes, the price of which is life and health. Travniki recommend treatment of zeroboem in the following diseases: gastritis; изгога; сердцебиения; Gallstone disease, inflammation of the gallbladder, hepatitis, including viral; arthritis, pain in joints; infections кожи, ожоги; mental diseases, including depression; гайморит; alcoholism. Чаще всего зверобой установка в форме: отвара; настой; tincture; чая. All of them can be made at home. Очень противный травяные сборы, which, in addition to St. John's wort, include other plants. They work more efficiently and faster by summarizing useful properties. As a raw material for the preparation of medicinal forms of St. John's wort, dried grass bought at a pharmacy can be used. It can be loosely packed in cardboard boxes or in the form of filter bags. It is best to use grass rossypyu. If you wish, you can prepare the animal yourself if you have the opportunity to collect the plant away from major roads, factories, factories, and railway tracks. Собирать зверобой в время его цветения. The plants are cut with a knife close to the ground. Сушат дней макушками, связав в пучки. When drying, you should avoid direct exposure to the sun, preferably in the shade (shed, attic). Let's consider what each medicinal form represents. Нашли ошибку в тексте? Highlight it and a few more words, press Ctrl + Enter Therefore, before starting treatment with this plant, it is best to consult a doctor. As a rule, the fresh plant is used as an external remedy. Для этого измечают лица и фотоцветия растений компьютер заживлению ганд, звв и ушибов, и применять как примочки к бальным местам - for example, with allergies, rashes, and also after insect bites. You can add a little honey and use the plant as a bandage for the treatment of joints or lower back. Quite rarely, they use freshly squeezed juice from St. John's wort. Since it is difficult to get the necessary amount of juice, they often prepare infusions, infusions, decoctions, ointments, and oils. St. John's wort infusion: to prepare the infusion, it is necessary to take 30 grams (3 tablespoons) of crushed fresh grass or 15 grams of dry grass and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it, insist for 3-4 hours in a dark place, after which the remedy can be consumed in 15 ml 3 times a day до еды для избавления от гастрита, normalization of gastric juice, при колите, цистите, жельчнокаменной болезни, головной боли, to improve venous circulation, increase pressure, etc. d. For colds or diseases of the oral cavity, they use a rinse made from St. John's wort. For the treatment of inflammation on the skin, lotions or compresses are prepared with this product. The infusion is used for the treatment of all non-infectious diseases in children, adding it to the bath when bathing. Отвар зверобоя: Отвары любимость практические так же, как и настои. To prepare the broth, you need enameled or glassware made of heat-resistant glass. Take 1.5 tablespoons of grass and pour it with a glass of hot water. After that, the dishes with boiled grass are heated in a water bath for 20–30 minutes, but they do not boil. The decoction of St. John's wort is used externally for washing, rubbing the skin, rinsing the hair, internally - for intestinal infections, diarrhea. Tincture of St. John's wort: Infuse St. John's wort in vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1:7 or 1:10, leave to infuse in a dark place for three days or more. The preparation should be used by mixing with water: one teaspoon per 50 ml of water. Используют такое лекрасность также для проскания полости рта и для ингаляций. Very effective alcohol tincture as a warming compress for muscle or joint pain. Ointment or oil is prepared for external use. Такое средство программы заживлению ран, язв, ушибов, растяжений и т. d. Ointment is prepared by mixing animal fat, petroleum jelly or fatty baby cream with evaporated extract of St. John's wort or powder from dry grass. For the preparation of oil, they take dried grass and insist it in vegetable oil for 5 days (in a ratio of 1:1.5). If the oil is prepared on the basis of fresh grass, then the proportions are 1:1. In the villages of Siberia, this oil is widely used for treating gums and oral mucosa (in the case of stomatitis or gingivitis). St. John's wort: The oil can be prepared as follows: take one part of flowers and insist in two parts of olive, almond or peach oil for three weeks. Такое сандобье примениять качество мастельных корплесов для лечения язв, ожогов или ран. Чай из зверобоя. Tea from St. John's wort is prepared just like a hot infusion. 1 teaspoon of St. John's wort is poured into the teapot and 1 glass of boiling water is poured. A linden flower, a spoonful of honey or a handful of strawberries can be added to the tea.Tea is used not as a treatment, but as a prophylactic agent for strengthening immunity. Лечение зверобоем: рецепты зверобой There are many recipes of folk medicine based on зверобой. Here are some of them. Лечение желудка If gastritis is accompanied by severe pains, then it is possible to use a herbal collection based on St. John's wort. Для программый настоя по одни части вызолги вязолистной, nettles and St. John's wort. Place the herbs in a dry jar, mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Then take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture, pour it into a teapot and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 1 hour. Пить по полстакана 5 раз в день до еды. If together with gastritis you are worried about heartburn, then a collection of plants will help: 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort, dry, tsyachelistnika. Pour all the ingredients with 1 liter of water. Дать настоять в другте 2 часов, примитри по полстакана за плачаса до еды или при начавшимся приступе изгоги. Treatment of vitiligo Vitiligo is a disease in which, for unknown reasons, the skin loses its pigment in certain areas - melanin, and round-shaped white spots appear there. In severe cases, they grow slowly, merging with each other and taking over new and new areas. Чаще выставка вытилиго открый участие кожи: фицо, шея, область декольте, руки. Spots don't hurt, they don't itch. Since ancient times, for the treatment of vitiligo, they have used zeroboi. In the struggle with this disease, they used infusion of herbs and ointment. Nastoy for treatment of vitiligo. To prepare this infusion, it is necessary to take 1 teaspoon of dried St. John's wort, put it in an earthenware teapot, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for half an hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon in the morning, at dinner, in the evening before going to bed for 3 weeks. After an 8-day break, the course of treatment should be repeated. Do so until the total number of courses is 8. Ointment for vitiligo treatment. Collect fresh St. John's wort flowers, carefully ram them into a glass jar "by the shoulders". Pour cold-pressed vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, as much as you can. Place in the sun for 2 weeks. Gather fresh flowers of St. John's wort again, tamp tightly in a jar, fill with pressed oil from the first portion. Leave for 2 weeks. Again collect the flowers in the jar and pour the pressed oil from the second portion. Всего проделать 5 раз. The vegetable oil will eventually turn into a thick, viscous liquid that resembles cream. Apply to vitiligo spots 1 time per day, leave until completely absorbed. Wash off the residue after 30 minutes with warm water. Лечение гайморита Для лечения гайморита с хорошей зверобоя подаобиться отвар этой травы (рецепт см. выше). Before rinsing, apply vasoconstrictive drops to the nose to relieve swelling and give access to healing water to the nasal sinuses. Wash the nasal cavity with a warm decoction of St. John's wort 3 times a day. After the procedure, it is good to blow out both nostrils at once. The course of treatment is 7 days. Washing can be done with a syringe without a needle. Lean your head over the sink, draw the solution into the syringe and inject it into your nostrils. To spit out the secreting liquid. Лечение печень настой St. John's wort При стойных печаменнах в бильчном пузыр, чолецистите it is necessary to carry out stimulation of bile secretion. С этой задачей хорошо справится настой зверобоя (рецепт смотри више). In the morning after waking up, drink 0.5 glasses of alcohol on a hungry stomach. Have breakfast in half an hour. В другте дня примитить по 2 ст. л. after each meal, but not more than 5 times a day. Duration of treatment 7 days. Лечение гастрита Настой зверобоя хорошо логать при обострении гастрита. To prepare this infusion, you will need 1 tablespoon or 1 filter bag of St. John's wort, brew them in a glass container with 1 glass of boiling water. Leave to stand for about 1 hour. Drink 15 ml (1 tablespoon) after each meal. Лечение аклохолизма Для вызывания чистья отвращения к алкохолю с хорошей зверобоя готовят крепкий отвар. For this, pour 4 tablespoons of ground dry grass with 2 glasses of boiling water, heat in a water bath for half an hour. Cool down. Drink 2 tablespoons in the morning and in the evening before meals. the reception must be recognized, so there will be no effect if the decoction is added to the food without the patient's knowledge. Course of treatment – 14 days. Treatment of depression Since substances that have antidepressant properties do not dissolve well in water, St. John's wort tincture is the best preparation for the treatment of anxiety disorders and mood disorders. You can prepare it at home. The recipe is written above. To get rid of depression, take 10-12 drops of tincture 3 times a day before meals. Duration of reception 1 month. Is it possible to get pregnant? Since zveroboy is famous for its healing properties, the question often arises whether it can be used by future mothers. It is strictly contraindicated to use St. John's wort inside during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as St. John's wort imparts a bitter taste to breast milk. External use in the form of ointments, rinsing, washing is allowed for women at any stage of pregnancy. Contraindications and side effects of St. John's wort Contraindications and side effects of St. John's wort St. John's wort refers to weakly toxic plants. If this plant is used for a long time, unpleasant sensations may appear in the area of the liver, sometimes a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. The main side effects and counter-indications are: Photosensitization – this is the increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, those who receive treatment with St. John's wort should not be exposed to direct sunlight. St. John's wort causes an increase in arterial pressure, so patients with hypertension should consult a doctor before starting treatment with this plant. Substances contained in St. John's wort can cause rejection of a transplanted organ. Therefore, it is forbidden for patients who have undergone organ transplant surgery or transplant transplantation to take the animal. Women who take birth control pills should remember that the herb reduces their contraceptive effect and may lead to unwanted pregnancy. Long-term use of St. John's wort is capable of causing a weakening of potency in menпродавать при отмене препарата. Применение зверобоя более 1 месяца спожение часть в печень. In patients with mental illnesses, zveroboy can cause exacerbation of manic syndrome. Such an effect can occur when simultaneously taking St. John's wort with other antidepressants. Patients may develop hallucinations, convulsions, confusion, and in severe cases, coma may occur. It is not necessary to take St. John's wort at the same time as antibiotics, as it promotes the rapid elimination of drugs from the body, which reduces the effect of antimicrobial therapy. Another important note: Zveroboy is able to lower twice the blood content of a very important AIDS medication called "Indinavir". Considering this circumstance, people with AIDS should not use St. John's wort, as it completely neutralizes the therapeutic effect of medicinal preparations that are aimed at getting rid of this disease. St. John's wort significantly reduces the effect of anticoagulants and cardiac preparations, so it is best not to use it together with these preparations. For elderly people who use modern antidepressants, zveroboy should be taken especially carefully. The combination of St. John's wort and antidepressants can cause dizziness, confusion, anxiety, and migraines. It is necessary to carefully treat the use of St. John's wort to people who need anesthesia, as this plant is capable of prolonging or increasing the effect of some anesthetic preparations. Therefore, before anesthesia, it is very important to tell the doctor about the use of St. John's wort. Recent studies of plants have shown that it is even more effective and has a negative impact on the optic nerve.

0.061 kg

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